JetBrains vient d'annoncer la version 2.0 de YouTrack avec comme évolutions majeures :
- La notion de custom attribute (enrichissement des méta données)
- Une bookmarklet pour créer un ticket
- Une gestion des accréditations pour l'accès aux tickets
- La prévisualisation des pièces jointes
- Enrichissement du profil utilisateur (marqueur utilisateur connecté, avatar, etc.)
Au rayon des améliorations :
- Extension du langage de requêtage
- Amélioration de l'interprétation de la création d'un ticket (ex. navigation vers le code source concerné à partir d'une stacktrace)
- Installateur sans prérequis (exe installant YouTrack en tant que service sous Windows)
- L'intégration avec Teamcity
- L'intégration avec JIRA
- Le système de notification (configuration par l'utilisateur des évènements entraînant notification)
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Le communiqué de presse :
JetBrains YouTrack 2.0 More Customizable yet Amazingly Easy To Use
Innovative bug and issue tracker becomes even more flexible and secure without sacrificing simplicity
Prague, Czech Republic, May 26, 2010 - JetBrains, creators of intelligent, productivity-enhancing development tools, today announced the release of YouTrack 2.0, a more customizable version of its fast and innovative keyboard-centric bug and issue tracking system.
YouTrack offers fantastic time savings for both bug submitters and development teams. Its lightning-fast issue reporting is complemented with powerful native-language-like search queries and batch operations on multiple issues from the command window.
In its second major release, YouTrack 2.0 adds custom issue attributes to help development teams easily adapt the bug tracker to their specific needs, and to migrate existing projects from other issue trackers. Concerned about security, YouTrack also introduces flexible access control by letting users strengthen permissions for individual issues that contain non-public data, without limiting access to the whole project. All the while, YouTrack remains focused on being an intelligent and easy-to-use issue tracker, packing the majority of its functionality in just two controls - a search box and command window.
"Someone once said that a product is well designed when you use it without thinking about what makes it so good. That's our goal in making YouTrack, too," said Vadim Gurov, YouTrack Team Lead. "If you want to spend less time on reporting and processing bugs, YouTrack is probably for you. And with the latest security and customization enhancements, it not only improves your performance but also fully adapts to your team's needs."
With YouTrack 2.0, now you can:
- Create and manage custom attributes, and adjust their visibility.
- Perform batch operations programmatically with YouTrack REST API.
- Tune visibility for individual issues that might contain non-public data.
- Submit issues from any web page - without even opening YouTrack, via the Create Issue bookmarklet.
- Find and filter issues faster, thanks to enhanced query-based search syntax, auto-completion and highlighting.
- Utilize extended JetBrains TeamCity integration.
- Import existing projects from Jira 4.1.
- Handle issues more intuitively, in a redesigned user interface.
To learn more about the latest additions and enhancements, please visit YouTrack is available for a free 60-day evaluation at
YouTrack 2.0 is available in three editions:
- Starter Edition: Best fit for small teams; limited to 10 projects and 10 user accounts; doesn't support LDAP authentication; priced at $149.
- Professional Edition: Ideal for medium teams; limited to 20 projects and 20 user accounts; doesn't support LDAP authentication; priced at $300.
- Enterprise Edition: Everything a large team needs; full functionality for any number of projects and users; priced at $1,200.
All editions come with 1 year of free technical support and upgrades.
JetBrains announces a special summer offer: 25% OFF on all of the above product editions.
To learn more about YouTrack, please visit
About JetBrains :
JetBrains is a technology-leading software development firm specializing in the creation of intelligent, productivity-enhancing software. The company is widely known for its innovative, award-winning Java integrated development environment, IntelliJ IDEA (see details on the Web at, ReSharper and dotTrace Profiler for .NET developers (see,, RubyMine for Ruby on Rails developers (, and TeamCity - a continuous integration and build management environment ( JetBrains maintains its headquarters in Prague, Czech Republic, with its R&D labs located in St. Petersburg, Russia and Boston, Massachusetts. For more information, see
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